The Power Series
The Power Series
Invest One Weekend. Change Your Life!
Invest One Weekend. Change Your Life!

What You'll Get Out Of It
What You'll Get Out Of It
See What Is Possible For You In Just One Weekend
Break Through to Your Next Level - if you aspire to create a new result in any area of life—Relationship, Career, Money, Heath—and you're ready to make it happen, break through to an existence better than you ever thought possible.
Overcome a Challenge or Pain Point - if you're struggling with a challenge that's been holding you back for a week, a month, a decade or a lifetime, you can solve for it inside of two days.
Upcoming Power Series Weekends
Upcoming Power Series Weekends
The Power Series
The Power Series
The Power Series, our foundational curriculum, features four courses—Power of Focus, Emotion, Vision & Intuition. The series is taught in a combination of Intensity with Consistency, translating to immediate results and mastery over time.
The Power Series, our foundational curriculum, features four courses—Power of Focus, Emotion, Vision & Intuition. The series is taught in a combination of Intensity with Consistency, translating to immediate results and mastery over time.
Power of Focus
Explore how your thoughts and beliefs create reality as you know it. Learn tools, techniques and strategies to still, focus and direct the mind.
Power of Emotion
Explore the powerful role emotions play in every choice and decision we make. Learn tools, techniques and strategies to identify, shift and consciously choose your emotional state.
Power of Intuition
Explore common myths and misconceptions about intuition, and the practical truth of what it is and how it works. Learn tools and techniques to recognize, cultivate and leverage intuition to bridge the gap from where you are to where you choose to be.
Power of Vision
Explore the three key components of Vision—Being, Doing and Having. Learn the tools and process of creation, and how to leverage vision to create the life you choose.
Don't Take Our Word For It
Don't Take Our Word For It
Finance Results
Constance talks about upleveling her finances through the IM Lifestyle Series: Wealth 101.Body Results
Tabatha talks about how she transformed her behaviors with food through The Power Series.Peace with Family & Parenting
Nicole shares how the 4-sided breath supports her with her family.
Not Convinced This Will Change Your Life?
Not Convinced This Will Change Your Life?
Take Our Training For A Test Drive
Get your private, complimentary 3-session mini-course
— Introduction to Inner Matrix Systems —
with one of our certified Inner Matrix Trainers, for a firsthand experience of what our training can create.
Book a 15-minute call with a Care Team Member who will pair you with the perfect Trainer.
— Introduction to Inner Matrix Systems —
with one of our certified Inner Matrix Trainers, for a firsthand experience of what our training can create.
Book a 15-minute call with a Care Team Member who will pair you with the perfect Trainer.