Inner Matrix Systems

Create the life you want to live

Results-Driven Training
for High-Achievers

Any Outcome is Possible.

Your most sought-after dreams are not only possible, there is a clear process to achieving them. At Inner Matrix Systems, we use a proprietary training system that is guaranteed to achieve your desired outcome in any area of your life—every time.

Global training communities

People engaged in IMS Training

1:1 sessions per year
Getting Results

Your Inner Matrix

Your unique set of emotions, thoughts, and nervous system — dictates every choice you make and every action you take, culminating in every result in your life.

Most people, even high-achievers, are not in full command of their Inner Matrix. Those who can master their Inner Matrix unlock the ability to quickly and radically change their realities. From career and finances to health and wellbeing, romantic or family relationships—the results you desire are possible

Find Your Blind Spot

Book a 15-min call with our care team to discuss your area of life and the challenge you're facing.
Get paired with a Certified IM Trainer most uniquely qualified for your situation.
Identify the Blind Spot that's creating the challenge you want to overcome.
Solve for your Blind Spot and live your best life.

We are so confident in our approach that we're ready to give you the answer up front, free of charge, no strings attached.

The challenge you're facing is the result of a specific pattern of behavior that you are likely blind to. The solution is to identify that blind spot—something our Certified IM Trainers are uniquely equipped to do. All you need to do is answer a few basic questions so we can pair you with the right Trainer to shine a light on what's holding you back. show you the way.

How it works

We are not therapists, life-coaches, or a shoulder to cry on. At IMS, we are purely focused on generating results. Our system is based on proprietary tools, techniques, and strategies that restructure the brain and rewire the nervous system specific to the outcome you’re looking to achieve.

If traditional “self-help” methods have failed you, if you are experiencing challenges in your life, or if you’ve been unable to turn your dreams into reality—working with IMS will give you the exact steps to build the life you want to live.

Master Your Emotions
Leverage Your Thoughts
Drive Aligned Action
Produce the Desired Result
World Class

Proven Results

IMS Training has been repeatedly shown to achieve desired outcomes in all areas of life. It is a world-class system that guarantees results regardless of individual circumstances.

Career Relationships Business Health
Relationships Health Business Career
Business Health Career Relationships

Side Effects Include

The ability to replicate outstanding results
Peak physical and mental performance
The power to fulfill any vision you set for yourself
Elimination of self-sabotaging patterns
Dramatically increased influence and impact
Deep fulfillment and purpose
A complete evolution of your reality
The skill to produce transformative outcomes in others

Don't Take Our Word For It


Meet Joey Klein

Our Founder and CEO, Joey Klein, has dedicated his life to eliminating suffering and supporting people to create lives better than they could possibly imagine.

During a decade-long quest to transform his own life, Joey traveled the world, studying both ancient wisdoms and modern sciences. Upon his return, Joey distilled the results of his extensive research into a proprietary Personal Mastery Training System, which began to produce consistent results for him and his clients. Inner Matrix Systems is the primary vessel he uses to deliver this training to high-achievers around the globe.

Other Ways To Get Started

The Inner Matrix is more than just a book— it’s a comprehensive roadmap to realign your emotional, mental, and physical states to achieve any objective. Written by our CEO and Founder, Joey Klein, you'll discover his heavily researched and carefully developed techniques that can be used to eliminate stress, master your emotions, and generate high-impact results.

See what is possible for you in just one weekend. The Power Series, our foundational curriculum, features four courses—Power of Focus, Emotion, Vision, and Intuition—taught in person or virtually. The series starts with a weekend intensive followed by 12 sessions led by an IM certified Trainer, delivering immediate results and mastery over time.

The best way to incorporate personal mastery into your lifestyle. Our 3-tiered Membership plan allows you to leverage our training system and additional support at the most favorable price point. Trainer Boost Membership offers unlimited access to Power Series Weekend Intensives & Classes, members-only Zoom sessions with Joey, additional resources, and much more.


Our Trainers

Our dedicated team of trainers teach classes and lead programs worldwide, working with both individuals and organizations. Every certified IM Trainer has trained directly with Joey Klein and completed a 2,000+ hour certification program.

We're serious about change. Are you?

If you're ready to get serious, this can and will change your life—just like it has for the thousands that have come before you.


Book a 15-min call with our care team to discuss your area of life and the challenge you're facing.


Get paired with the IM certified Trainer most uniquely qualified for your situation.


Identify the blind spot that's creating the challenge you want to overcome, the pattern that's creating your challenge and the blind spot preventing you from solving it.


Solve for your blindspot and live your best life

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